BetterHelp was launched during the summer season of the year 2013 and now it is being considered as the largest platform for online counseling which resolves to help people with an internet connection to speak with professional and licensed therapists. In case you’re someone who is going through the toughest challenges of your life, BetterHelp is there to help you with their 1200+ network of licensed and accredited counselors who can help in navigating them utilizing their smartphones, computers or tablets. You can read the customer reviews here before signing up with BetterHelp.
How does BetterHelp work?
In order to start off with your journey, you will require spending 15 minutes answering the in-depth questionnaire of BetterHelp. With this, the company can determine your match and needs with the best counselor. Initially, you have to start off by answering questions regarding your age, gender and marital status. Then you will rate your present sleeping habits, your fiscal status and several other things.
Finally, you will have to rate the preferences for the particular expertise areas on a scale which ranges from the least to most important. This included LGBT-issues, addiction, eating disorders and several other aspects. Then you will create an account by entering your name, mail address, credit card number and password.
More on therapy process of BetterHelp
As per BetterHelp, their counselors are trained, licensed, experienced and accredited psychologists, clinical social workers and family and marriage therapists who can help you with counseling help. BetterHelp is upfront while claiming and the provider won’t be able to make official diagnosis to fulfill court order or prescribe any medications. You also need to remember that such providers aren’t employees of BetterHelp but they help the clients in a professional way.
As soon as you’re allotted to a counselor, you will have 24X7 access to a virtual room where you can communicate securely and privately by logging into the internet connected device. This is where you can write about things that are going on and query on things which are troubling you. When you’re trying your best to get out of your mental health issues, you can always seek help of a counselor.
If you consider Yelp, BetterHelp had an average rating of 4 stars during the time of research and this result is based on14 reviews. Hence, if you go by the reviews, you will understand that BetterHelp is worth taking resort to.